Saturday, November 2, 2013

Do You Hate Government?

Tell me more about how you hate government. If you hate government, the consistent next step is to be done with political solutions, which involve peaceful negotiations and voting and, at the extremes, complaining and urging others to vote your way and petition government for peaceful, lawful solutions. Yet, you will still hate government, you will deny the existence of authority and any limit on your absolute "freedom" will be viewed as "illegitimate."

So, how will you settle your outrage at these limitations being consistent? If not by peaceful means, if not by law and by the vote and negotiation... how? Either by saying terrible things and agitating behind the scenes to spur others to action -- because you are a coward or living in the refusal to own up to what you've become -- or you will pick up a weapon and resort to violence.

In fact, against law, you believe power comes from nowhere except your weapons and the threat of death they represent. Law -- you have no faith in that, else you would believe in government; legitimate authority -- you have no faith in that else you'd believe in social institutions. Bullets and death -- that you have faith in. You fear those, those give you the feeling of power and righteousness and your "rights."

We are at one of those points in the life of a nation in which values are up for discussion: What is it we value, what are the stars that we will choose to navigate by? Some will lead towards one destination, others toward... something else.

Something less.

Something terrible.

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